Healthwatch Oldham 100: Dentistry

Our next Healthwatch Oldham 100 Survey is now available and we're looking at dentistry.
hwo 100 dentistry page image

This month’s survey is about dentistry. We have received a lot of feedback from Oldham residents who have explained that they are unable to access an NHS Dentist. This was an issue before the current COVID-19 pandemic, but now it has become an even bigger issue.

We want to better understand your relationship with your dentist and any experiences you’ve had during this pandemic. You do not have to answer any of the questions you feel uncomfortable with, but the more information you provide, the more helpful it will be for us. As always, the results of this survey are anonymous and will be made available on our website.

If you require any assistance in completing this survey or wish to receive it in a paper format, then please do not hesitate to contact the team on 0161 622 5700 or email

The closing date for the survey is 10 December 2020. You can access the survey below:

Healthwatch Oldham 100: Dentistry Survey