Latest news and views
Learning Disability (LD) & Diabetes Survey
Our latest survey is designed to obtain the views and experiences of people with LD, their families, carers and support workers and look at whether there is an appropriate support offer in place that helps reduce the prevalence of diabetes for people…
Join your local Patient Participation Group (PPG)
Have a say in how your GP practice is delivered by signing up to your GP practice's Patient Participation Group (PPG).
NHS acts on your feedback to improve dental care
Thanks to you, NHS England will take several steps to ensure better dental support for people with complex problems and improve the information for…
Independent Complaints Advocacy Service
As of 1 June 2022, Oldham’s Independent Complaints Advocacy Service will be transferred to Cloverleaf Advocacy and therefore will no longer be…
Latest reports and publication
Our Activity for July, August & September 2024
We are delighted to share an overview of our work from July to September 2024.
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Healthwatch Oldham PPG Toolkit
Healthwatch Oldham has created a PPG Toolkit that includes resources and guidance on the creation and day-to-day running of a Patient Participation Group.
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