This survey is for people living with a secondary/metastatic cancer diagnosis in Greater Manchester. If you are a family member or carer of a person with secondary/metastatic cancer you can also complete this survey on their behalf (from their perspective) as long as it is a recent experience – within the last 18 months. This survey should take approximately 10 minutes to complete.

The definition of secondary/metastatic cancer is: When a cancer starts in one place in the body and spreads elsewhere, this is a secondary cancer or a ‘metastasis’. The place in the body where cancer first starts is the ‘primary cancer’. Sometimes, cancer cells can break off from the primary cancer and spread elsewhere in the body. Cancer can then grow in another part of the body. When this happens, this is secondary (metastatic) cancer.

If you are interested in being part of a focus group, then please leave your details at the end of the survey. All questions are completely voluntary and the data collected will be kept confidential and stored securely. 

The information collected will formulate a report looking at what currently works for patients and what doesn’t, providing valuable lived experience insight. The recommendations within the report will help inform and guide healthcare commissioners and cancer care services on potential realistic changes that can be made to improve the care and support for secondary/metastatic cancer patients.

Thinking about the initial visit to the healthcare professional which led to a secondary cancer diagnosis did you...
Was the healthcare professional you saw helpful? did they take your concerns seriously?
If you were referred into the secondary cancer pathway through the primary cancer care team, did treatment begin within 31 days of the decision being made to treat?
If you were referred into the secondary cancer pathway through the GP before 1 October 2023, were you seen by a specialist within 2 weeks of referral?
If you were referred into the secondary cancer pathway through the GP after 1 October 2023, did you get a confirmed secondary cancer diagnosis within 28 days?
At the end of primary cancer treatment, were you provided with information on secondary/metastatic cancer regarding possible symptoms and things to look out for?
Was this the right amount of information for you?
Which of these services and health settings have you accessed?
Were you allocated a named cancer nurse or specialist?
Is it easy to get in touch with them?
Are you happy with your named cancer nurse or specialist?
Thinking about your last scan that required a referral, from referral how long did it take for you to have the scan?
Did you have to chase up your last scan referral?

EDI (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion) ensures fair treatment and opportunity for all.  It aims to eradicate prejudice and discrimination based on an individual or group of individual's protected characteristics.

Thinking about your experience, have there been any support needs that have not been met. e.g. any language barriers or any discrimination?
Did someone discuss a personalised care plan with you (Holistic Needs Assessment)?
Did someone discuss the treatment plan with you?
Has anyone involved in your care had discussions with you around end of life plans?
Is this because...
Do you feel that all the healthcare professionals involved in your care speak to one another so that you don’t have to repeat yourself and there are no duplications in tests or treatments?
Do you go to a hospice for clinical or holistic treatment?
Do you think that palliative care means the end of life stage?
Do you have time to answer a few more questions?
How long have you been living with a secondary/metastatic cancer diagnosis?
Did you have a primary cancer diagnosis first?
At what stage were you diagnosed with secondary/metastatic cancer?
Have you tried any holistic or alternative treatments (not available on the NHS) whilst living with a secondary cancer diagnosis?
Was this...
If you have tried alternative treatments, have you made your health care team aware of this?
Do you feel that you have needed to become an ‘expert patient’ to ensure you are getting the best treatment options available?

If you are completing this survey on behalf of someone. Please answer the following questions from the patient's perspective.

Which of the following options best describe how you think of yourself?
Is your gender identity the same as it was at birth?
Your age group
Sexual Orientation
Do you have a disability?