Healthwatch Oldham Type 2 Diabetes Forums Analysis Report
Bringing together all the data collected at our July 2017 and Nov 2017 Healthwatch Forums which were focused on type 2 diabetes Prevention and Awareness as well as our health stall held at the European Islamic Centre Mosque in Werneth in Nov 2017.
Healthwatch Oldham created a specific survey with regards to diabetes which people who attended the event completed. We also completed surveys at a health stall in November 2017 at the European Islamic Centre Mosque in Werneth, which we have included in these findings.
The survey asked specific questions about people’s understanding of diagnosis, risk factors, their ability to change their lifestyle and any health checks they may have received.
The answers to these questions have been collated and analysed to identify any patterns and trends within their experiences and understanding.
Key Findings
- 30% of those who completed a survey stated they had a type of diabetes
- The most common type of diabetes from those that completed the survey was type 2 diabetes
- Nearly half of those who stated that they didn’t have diabetes, cared for, or knew someone that has
- It’s clear that people feel that being overweight, consuming sugary food and drink and a lack of exercise are the highest risk factors of developing type 2 diabetes
- Results show that most people feel they can change most of their habits, with the most common habits to change were improving levels of exercise, losing weight, increasing intake of fresh fruit and vegetables and reducing consumption of sugary food and drinks
- Just under half of those in attendance stated that they were above their ideal weight
You can access and download the full report on the link provided below:
Healthwatch Oldham Type 2 Diabetes Forums Analysis Report May 2018