A review looking at people’s experiences of Do Not Attempt Resuscitation (DNAR) procedures in the Oldham area.

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, DNAR (Do not attempt resuscitation) has been a topic of concern with people. We had received feedback from Oldham residents which showed some concerns and we wanted to understand this topic better.
Therefore, we created a survey and collected your experiences of DNAR, including, how decisions were communicated with you, timescales of this process and your thoughts on things that went as well as possible or could be improved for others in the same situation.
We are now able to produce our findings along with suitable recommendations which you can access below:
This report has been presented at the End of Life Transformation Board. It has been agreed that a task and finish group will be established on behalf of the EOL Transformation Board to agree and implement actions to address the recommendations within the report and we look forward to providing an update in the coming weeks.