GP service experience in a temporary hotel within Oldham

Healthwatch Oldham undertook a survey with people who are seeking asylum or have refugee status and reside in temporary accommodation in Oldham.

We wanted to understand if the residents could access the primary care services they need and what improvements could be made. 

Please see the report for more information and the recommendations that have been fed into the commissioning process for the GP service contract holder.


GP service experience in a temporary hotel report


The findings of the report were fed back to the GP Practice at the time it was received, with assurances that appropriate action would be taken to address the issues identified. The Practice subsequently served notice on the contract and ceased provision of the enhanced service on 31st March 2024, but has continued to register and see residents as part of mainstream provision. The recommendations made by Healthwatch Oldham have been incorporated into the proposal for ongoing GP provision which is currently being considered.  The insights from the work done have highlighted opportunities for the wider system to come together to ensure holistic care and communication are provided through partnership and collaboration, and we will continue to work with Healthwatch and partners to ensure a quality service.

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